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Write 5 pages thesis on the topic youth library for 5th grade bilingual students.

Write 5 pages thesis on the topic youth library for 5th grade bilingual students. In schools, people from different backgrounds come to meet at a commonly known neutral ground. the classroom.

In this essay, attention will be focused upon certain books that are of benefit to fifth-grade students, in terms of language proficiency and skill. These factors either destroy a persons’ character or build it. The main theme here is character destruction and building. Many people undergo through life’s challenges and emerge unscathed while others come out scathed and not in a position to be themselves. Through these books, fifth-grade students will be able to build their own character depending on their experiences.

The book is about the changes that occur when students are moving on to the next grade. In the book, kids are not congenial to each other, often disagreeing, making enemies, and hiding secrets from one another. The story involves a boy, Greg, who shares his experiences about how his summer vacation was, and how he attempted to stay away from trouble. Something happens to him during his summer vacation, and when they return to school, his older brother, Rodrick wants to tell the whole school about his humiliating encounter.

He is eager not to remember how his summer holiday was and wants to put all that away. This one event that happened to him seems to shake him enough to want to put it behind him. What he does not realize is that secrets do not always stay hidden forever, especially when there is a diary that has stuff written on it. He does things in order to keep his secret safe, trying to catch the attention of girls and keeping away from trouble. In relation to the theme, the book shows and illustrates the building of character. Greg encountered something that he does not want to share with anyone, and this is understandably logical. What he shows is strength in his character. He is able to overcome what happened to him and move on with school life. This book shows individuals that if they let the events of the past cripple their character, then their future will be ruined.