Article Writing Homework Help

Hi, need to submit a 1250 words paper on the topic Analysis of Articles about IT in the Everyday Life.

Hi, need to submit a 1250 words paper on the topic Analysis of Articles about IT in the Everyday Life. Springer publishes the book. It tries to examine the importance of social networking program to the success of the organizations. However, it provides for more research as to if the companies will make the most out of the best opportunity presented to them. The review is more than inclusive to give the necessary insights required in the research. The methodology was limited to the use of case studies that concurred with the previous research criteria. However, gaps have existed on how companies can improve their productivity. Nonetheless, it is quite important if firms could implement the social networking program that makes them more efficient rather than major on other plans that will cost them more money.

Kaur, S., & Taha, S. R. (2011). Comparison of evaluation on ICT requirement for senior citizens and single mothers based on conceptual knowledge sharing framework. International Conference on Management (ICM 2011) Proceeding.&nbsp.

The primary author of the article is Taur and was published at the UM library at the University of Malaysia. It evaluates on the challenges that senior citizens face while using computers and specific models they aspire. However, it provides for more research on to how society can maximize the opportunities that technology offers to the citizens that are in line with the other writers. The research review is much more extensive and provides easier thoughtful of the study. The methodology for research was majorly by surveys, but previous investigations included the use of samples and interviews.