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Complete 5 pages APA formatted article: Originality of Yoruba Culture. The human body may be regarded as an expression of some of the most fundamental categories of Yoruba thought. It is at once both

Complete 5 pages APA formatted article: Originality of Yoruba Culture.

The human body may be regarded as an expression of some of the most fundamental categories of Yoruba thought. It is at once both the most familiar of all the objects known to man and yet it is the most mysterious, containing a complexity of which we can only be dimly aware.

Although numerous studies focus on the prosperity of the Yoruba sculptural domain, medicine forms have been overlooked in writings about Yoruba medicine and sculpture. There are a number of explanations for this disregard. The wealth of Yoruba arts weakens their cultural appreciation (Baronqy 28). When these forms are shown in Western art exhibits, they are usually not associated with what they are.

The aesthetic prejudice of Western artists and other art enthusiasts is another reason for the trivial value given to medicine figures. Such human-shaped objects used in medicine are often roughly created by lay people, and hence do not draw the attention of art enthusiasts. Lastly, these medicine figures are rarely shown. They are quite uncommon as elements in Yoruba medicine and have a tendency to be used in the most mysterious practices with ingredients and procedures that are strongly protected secrets of healers (Baronqy 32). As an outcome of this cryptic wisdom that gives power and authority, medicine figures cannot be classified as public art in any way. They are often concealed, thrown away, or destroyed in the rite (Taye 74).

As potent items, medicine figures are distinguished from carvings used in exhibits by the names used. Figures exhibited in religious rituals are called ‘ere’. For instance, are Osun or ere Sango are sculptures that beautify the temples of the goddess of the River Osun and the god of thunder and lightning (Wolff 205). According to Adepegba (1983 as cited in Wolff 205), are carvings possess all the attributes of display items. here are produced with artistic purpose of serving as “a form of adornment, oriented toward the enhancement of the prestige of the votaries, the deities with their surroundings and the activities put up in their honor” (Wolff 205).