Biology homework help

Biology 101
Fall 2020
Overview It is critical that you can ascertain whether biological claims that you read/hear in the popular press are backed up by high-quality, peer-reviewed literature. In this assignment, you will find a biological (diet, nutrition, health etc.) claim that interests you and then conduct a literature search to identify 2 peer-reviewed primary research papers (not reviews, magazine article, book chapters etc.) describing studies that have been done to assess the validity of the claim. You will also need to determine what type of study design was used (epidemiologic vs. intervention) for each study.
Epidemiologic Study: A study in which data are collected from a group of individuals who are not asked to change their behaviors in any way.
Intervention Study: A experiment in which something is altered or changed to determine its effect on something else. Example, letting people drink soda to see its effects on obesity.
What to Turn In

  • Completed worksheet found on page 2 of this assignment
  • Attach the entire 1st page (should include abstract) of each of the 2 peer-reviewed articles pertinent to your chosen biological (diet, health, nutrition etc.) claim; highlight the name of the corresponding author and his/her mailing address

Due Date: Dec 3th
Maximal Points: 25 points
If you cannot find 2 peer-reviewed research papers concerning your nutrition claim, please find another nutrition claim with which to complete this assignment. And…you can assume that the initial claim is unsubstantiated by scientific inquiry!
Student ID:                         
Biology 101
Fall 2020
Your biological claim (e.g., eating cranberries decreases risk for urinary tract infections. Climate change is caused by human activities. Women with BRCA1 and BRCA2 genes eventually develop breast cancer):
Using 2 peer-reviewed articles obtained from your literature search, please complete the following table.

Name of primary (corresponding) author and his/her affiliation (where he/she works) Type of Study (circle the correct type) Does research support claim?
Title of Paper #1
Corresponding author:
Objective (s):
Yes / No
Yes / No
Title of Paper #2
Objective (s):
Biology 101
Fall 2020
Overview It is critical that you can ascertain whether biological claims that you read/hear in the popular press are backed up by high-quality, peer-reviewed literature. In this assignment, you will find a biological (diet, nutrition, health etc.) claim that interests you and then conduct a literature search to identify 2 peer-reviewed primary research papers (not reviews, magazine article, book chapters etc.) describing studies that have been done to assess the validity of the claim. You will also need to determine what type of study design was used (epidemiologic vs. intervention) for each study.
Epidemiologic Study: A study in which data are collected from a group of individuals who are not asked to change their behaviors in any way.
Intervention Study: A experiment in which something is altered or changed to determine its effect on something else. Example, letting people drink soda to see its effects on obesity.
What to Turn In

  • Completed worksheet found on page 2 of this assignment
  • Attach the entire 1st page (should include abstract) of each of the 2 peer-reviewed articles pertinent to your chosen biological (diet, health, nutrition etc.) claim; highlight the name of the corresponding author and his/her mailing address

Due Date: Dec 3th
Maximal Points: 25 points
If you cannot find 2 peer-reviewed research papers concerning your nutrition claim, please find another nutrition claim with which to complete this assignment. And…you can assume that the initial claim is unsubstantiated by scientific inquiry!
Student ID:                         
Biology 101
Fall 2020
Your biological claim (e.g., eating cranberries decreases risk for urinary tract infections. Climate change is caused by human activities. Women with BRCA1 and BRCA2 genes eventually develop breast cancer):
Using 2 peer-reviewed articles obtained from your literature search, please complete the following table.

Name of primary (corresponding) author and his/her affiliation (where he/she works) Type of Study (circle the correct type) Does research support claim?
Title of Paper #1
Corresponding author:
Objective (s):
Yes / No
Yes / No
Title of Paper #2
Objective (s):
Yes / No
Yes / No


Yes / No
Yes / No


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