Business & Finance Homework Help

Sko-Die is a medium-size manufacturing company. The company is more than 50 years old and many of the managers in the company have come from the…

Sko-Die is a medium-size manufacturing company. The company is more than 50 years old and many of the managers in the company have come from the ranks, so to speak. Recently, the Baby Boomers have started to retire and they are being replaced with Generation Yers/Gamers. The remaining staff members taking the roles in the management team are Generation Xers. These two generations (Gen X and Gen Y/Gamers) are clashing in the workplace. Since the Gen Y employees have been at the company for such a short amount of time, they have very little loyalty or reason to stay. Hence, they are leaving the company at an alarming rate and the incoming replacements also are from the Gen Y group, so the problems will most likely repeat itself over and over. What needs to happen to slow down the exit rate, get some of the people to come back, and make sure the situation doesn’t repeat itself with the new staff?

1.Decision Statement

2. Objectives for the decision

3. Recommend at least 2 Alternatives. Select the best alternative using decision analysis tool (criteria analysis).

4. Consequences of the Choice. (Just state possible risks of the chosen alternative, no need to use FMEA)