Category: Statistic

  • Statistics homework help

    A biologist assumes that there is a linear relationship between the amount of fertilizer supplied to tomato plant and the subsequent yield of tomatoes obtained. Eight(8) tomato plants of the same variety, were selected at random and treated, weekly, with a solution in which x grams(g) of fertilizer was dissolved in a fixed quantity of…

  • Statistics homework help


  • Statistics homework help

    Must Use excel please 1- Select a population (non human and non animal) 2- Select a sample of 100 from this population 3- Identify 4 variables ( 2 quantitative and 2 qualitative) to measure/record for each item in your sample 4-Enter the data in excel for your sample of 100 5-Apply the statistical tools you…

  • Statistics homework help

    information has to come from statcrunch. Plus a power point

  • Statistics homework help

      Write your paper on one of the following topics: 1. Is the death penalty justified? Select a theory of punishment and then, on the basis of that theory of punishment, defend or opposed the death penalty. Be sure to respond to arguments against your position. 2. Consider the Oregon assisted suicide law, which permits…

  • Statistics homework help

    Write your paper on one of the following topics: 1. Is the death penalty justified? Select a theory of punishment and then, on the basis of that theory of punishment, defend or opposed the death penalty. Be sure to respond to arguments against your position. 2. Consider the Oregon assisted suicide law, which permits assisted…

  • Statistics homework help

    STA 622, Assignment 7, Fall 2020 For each of the following problems, please start them on a separate page.  Each page should start with your answer to the question, followed by the relevant R code, followed by the relevant R output.  For #1, this can be done one variable at a time, but please do…

  • Stochastics

    Problem 1 [10 points] Random variables, fTj : j  1g are independent with a common exponential density function, g(t) =   exp(  t) for t > 0; with  = 5 per hour. Introduce the sums, k X Wk = Tj and W0 = 0: j=1 Consider a process, N = fN(t)…

  • Statistics homework help

    1. A researcher is testing the claim that adults consume an average of at least 1.85 cups of coffee per day. A sample of 35 adults shows a sample mean of 1.75 cups per day with a sample standard deviation of 0.4 cups per day. Test the claim at a 5% level of significance. What…

  • Statistics homework help

    Please read the “Final_Project-Diet and Cholesterol_AS2.dox” file ID #:2083927 The description states that your report may “be no longer than four pages in total…”. For simplicity (and legibility), please use either Times New Roman, Calibri or Arial font with a  minimum font size of 11 and have a minimum 1.5 spacing. You will submit either a .doc or .pdf file.…