Communications Homework Help

ASSIGNMENT DETAILSPlay the role of a PR specialist for an organization to which you belong or an organization for which youvolunteer (the organization must be local). Write a standard press release ab

ASSIGNMENT DETAILSPlay the role of a PR specialist for an organization to which you belong or an organization for which youvolunteer (the organization must be local). Write a standard press release about a local event or majorannouncement, which should be something happening any time. Do not writeabout previous events or select a student organization (ex: fraternity, sorority or a political organizationon campus).Remember to choose topics/events that have strong news value.The purpose of the release is to generate news coverage in the Columbus Dispatch and/or TheLantern for the respective organization/company’s event. Remember the event needs to be appropriatefor a press release response (ex: story should have strong news value, impact and/or interest to thepublication’s readers). The event could be:• A new organization introducing itself to the public (ex: new start-up, small business or storelocation).• An established organization launching a new product, service, etc.• A grand opening or an announcement that an organization is moving to a new location, ormaking a significant change of some kind (ex: change in leadership)• Promotion of an event such as an annual convention*Note* You cannot write about events organized by CAPA (Columbus Association for thePerforming Arts), BalletMet, or the Columbus ZooStructureYou will be graded on the components of good newswriting and PR writing, as discussed in lecture. Youwill also be graded on the content, clarity and quality of writing, your lead, AP style, sources, length andmore. Refer to the grading rubric below.FormatTimes New Roman, 12-point font and single-spaced. Do NOT indent paragraphs. Organize the releaseusing the inverted pyramid style. Create a mock letterhead for the purpose of this assignment.SourcesYou must include at least two sources. One must be a company representative you directly quote in therelease. More specifically, you will need two direct quotes from the company representative thatare not to exceed two sentences. The direct quotes need to add substance/news value to the pressrelease. The interview with the company representative should be over the phone or via email.Your second source should be an info. source – statistics or facts. Please include the source list withcontact information on a separate page (email or number/website link for online source).