Economics Homework Help

Assume a firm is a monopsonist that can hire its first worker for $6 but must increase the wage rate by $3 to attract each successive worker (so that…

Assume a firm is a monopsonist that can hire its first worker for $6 but must increase the wage rate by $3 to attract each successive worker (so that the second worker must be paid $9, the third $12, and so on). The marginal revenue product of labor is given in the table below.Marginal Revenue Product03428242014101. What will be the competitive equilibrium wage rate and the level of employment? Equilibrium wage = $________Equilibrium level of employment = ________ units of labor2. What will be the wage rate and the level of employment under monopsonistic conditions? Equilibrium wage = $________Equilibrium level of employment = ________ units of labor3. By how much does the monoposonist reduce wages below the competitive wage? $__________By how much does the monopsonist reduce employment below the competitive level? _______ workers