Economics homework help

Project Plan
Remember that for this project, you will need to create a dashboard that gives the user a snapshot of how well the organization is doing. Dashboards allow users to view easily view several charts or other visual indicators on one page or screen. Dashboard examples are included at the end of this document. You will also want to view the video tutorial on dashboards. See details of the dashboard project here.
For this assignment, you are to create a plan for your dashboard. The purpose of the plan is to ensure you are on track with a good idea of what you want to do with the data. You do not need to create any charts at this point, only describe in words the following points:
What dataset are you going to use (you must select one of the datasets provided to you in Module 14 in the project description)
What questions do you want the dashboard to answer?
What charts/visualizations will fit the data and help answer your questions?
A good start to a dashboard plan is, “I will focus on the revenues and expenses of this company and how they track over time and among the regions. There are three questions I would like this dashboard to address. The first is, how do the differences between revenues and expenses compare over time? To answer this question, I will use a line chart to graph the data…”
Your plan should be between 250 and 500 words. Be complete, but be direct.
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Economics homework help

Project Plan
Remember that for this project, you will need to create a dashboard that gives the user a snapshot of how well the organization is doing. Dashboards allow users to view easily view several charts or other visual indicators on one page or screen. Dashboard examples are included at the end of this document. You will also want to view the video tutorial on dashboards. See details of the dashboard project here.
For this assignment, you are to create a plan for your dashboard. The purpose of the plan is to ensure you are on track with a good idea of what you want to do with the data. You do not need to create any charts at this point, only describe in words the following points:
What dataset are you going to use (you must select one of the datasets provided to you in Module 14 in the project description)
What questions do you want the dashboard to answer?
What charts/visualizations will fit the data and help answer your questions?
A good start to a dashboard plan is, “I will focus on the revenues and expenses of this company and how they track over time and among the regions. There are three questions I would like this dashboard to address. The first is, how do the differences between revenues and expenses compare over time? To answer this question, I will use a line chart to graph the data…”
Your plan should be between 250 and 500 words. Be complete, but be direct.
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