Education homework help

Watch the video at the following link:
Early childhood education is one example of recent flourishes in state policy across the country, give an example of another education (or related) policy which has garnered attention in recent years. What internal (in-state) and external (out-of-state) factors may have contributed to the timing and characteristics of the policy? Was the policy innovative or was it taking a page from the playbook of another state(s)? What was the underlying motivation for the implementation of the policy (e.g., reputation, competition, etc)? Example “topics” – move from the ACT to the SAT, right-to-work legislation, teacher tenure reform, promoting of career and technical education, etc.
Draw from the literature on innovation/diffusion – public policy doesn’t come out of thin air (most of the time), what are the underlying conditions internal and external to the system which produce the policies? Finally, what is the impact (or expected impact) of the policy on specific outcomes across Michigan?
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