Education homework help

  Unit:  Implementing Learning Theory
Due Date:  Thurs 1/21/21
Deliverable Length:  3 strong paragraphs ,two references
The community center is offering an art appreciation course for  seniors that will be taught by a well-known local artist and  craftsperson. The idea for the course has been working its way around  the other community centers in town, and there is considerable interest  on the part of the senior population. Many have indicated that they want  to attend. The artist is nervous about how she should go about teaching  the course. Her experience with teaching is limited, and she has asked  you for advice on the senior audience and on ways to hold their interest  and attention once the course is underway. Discuss the following:

  • As a professional instructional designer, what advice would you give  her based on your knowledge of adult learning theories and methods?
  • How would you explain the relevant theories to her and point out some things for her to think about as she shapes the course?