Education homework help

Education homework help. You are encouraged to select a topic of your interest. Possible topics include but are not limited to religious expression in schools, student privacy, First Amendment rights, due process, student search, school safety, equal protection, the Individuals with Disabilities Education Improvement Act (IDEIA), teacher negligence, etc.
Complete the following outline template including a short description and details for each point. You must include citations for a minimum of three cases or scholarly sources in APA format within the outline:

  1. Presentation Topic
    1. Attention getter
    2. Presentation purpose
    3. Historical/Background information on topic
  2. Main Point (One critical point about the issue)
    1. Subpoint: Examples/Cases further explanation
    2. Subpoint: Outside sources/perspectives to consider
    3. Subpoint: Resources for issue (Can be from your collected resources)
  3. Main Point (One critical point about the issue)
    1. Subpoint: Examples/Cases further explanation
    2. Subpoint: Outside sources/perspectives to consider
    3. Subpoint: Resources for issue (Can be from your collected resources)
  4. Main Point (One critical point about the issue)
    1. Subpoint: Examples/Cases further explanation
    2. Subpoint: Outside sources/perspectives to consider
    3. Subpoint: Resources for issue (Can be from your collected resources)
  5. Closing Summary

The Presentation Outline

  • Must be two double-spaced pages in length (not including title and references pages) and formatted according to APA style


Education homework help


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