English homework help. Instructions Prompt
Create clear, persuasive documents for a specific audience; understand
and apply genre conventions; use visuals effectively and strategically;
practice making documentation accessible; understand the differences
between procedures, tasks, phases, and steps
You will write the instructions that will appear in your manual for this
project. If your manual will contain more than 1 set of instructions, you
can choose 1 set to write for this project. The instructions will contain:
• an equipment list
• general warnings/cautions (as needed)
• numbered steps
• Note: Begin each step with an action verb
• Note: Include step-specific cautions or warnings as needed
• images or videos, as needed
• image descriptions or video captions to make the instructions
more accessible
You will also write a reflective memo addressed to me that discusses
the following questions:
How did you take your audience’s knowledge and needs into
account as you wrote the instructions?
How did you organize your instructions? Why?
How did you decide whether to include cautions/warnings or not?
Why did you decide to put the cautions/warnings where you did?
How did you decide which visuals to include in your instructions?
What challenges or opportunities did you encounter when creating
image descriptions or video captions?
The instructions and memo together should total 700-1,000 words.
Use lists, bullet points, headings, and other formatting to make
your instructions easy to navigate.
Single-space the document and use blank lines to separate
Cite any outside information or images using a citation style you
are familiar with.
Commenting Standards
This project is worth 15 points. Successful instructions will
be accurate, clear, and concise
demonstrate an understanding of the audience’s existing
knowledge and needs
use organizational strategies to enhance the readers’
be ethical by including necessary cautions and/or warnings
use strategies to increase document accessibility
include a thoughtful and thorough reflective memo
Important Dates
May 7: Post a draft of your instructions to the Canvas discussion
board by 11:59 PM.
May 17: Submit the revised project to Canvas by 11:59 PM.