English Homework Help

Please answer all questions in full sentences. 1. In the late 1920s The Chicago jazz scene begins to fade. Which city becomes the focal point for nightclub work, music publishing, radio, record

 Please answer all questions in full sentences. 

1.       In the late 1920s The Chicago jazz scene begins to fade. Which city becomes the focal point for nightclub work, music publishing, radio, recording and dance hall jobs for professional musicians?

2.       Describe what was happening in Chicago at that time. (In relation to organized crime and musician opportunities)

3.       In what year did the stock market crash, leading to The Great Depression?

4.       What does a big band arranger do? Why was one needed for swing bands?

5.       Describe the differences between a “hot” band of the 1920s and a hotel dance/society band of the same era.

6.       Where was the Cotton Club located (City AND neighborhood)?

7.       Which famous bandleader got his first big gig and break at the Cotton Club?

8.       Duke Ellington’s composing method/style is often described as___________.

9.       Fletcher Henderson’s composing method/style is often described as________.

10.   What early swing era band did Louis Armstrong join for a short period in 1924 and 1925?