English Homework Help

The reader can infer from the Article that __________. A Chris Darby believes that parents of school-age children ought to support the use of local languages in school. B Barbara Trudell worries that

The reader can infer from the Article that __________.

A Chris Darby believes that parents of school-age children ought to support the use of local languages in school.

B Barbara Trudell worries that children who learn using an international language at school will have fewer opportunities in the future.

C Meissa Dieng is confident that it is in the best interest of the students at his school to be taught using an international language.

D Mbacke Diagne would agree with the approach that ARED is taking to build the literacy skills of children in Senegalese primary schools.


I need you to answer this question for me, read through the article linked and you should be able to find the answer in the text.