English homework help

Linguistics is important in understanding how language is learned.
Write a summary of each of the 3 articles listed below.
Include details unique to the article, linguistics, and understanding how language is learned.
Use cited references as needed.
Answer the following questions:
What did you learn from the articles? How will you apply what you learn to your career? What new information did you gain from reading the articles?
Inter language Phonology: Sources of L2 Pronunciation “Errors”  https://documentcloud.adobe.com/link/track?uri=urn%3Aaaid%3Ascds%3AUS%3Aaa2b4adc-292f-4ce3-9f6a-f72581a1accb (Links to an external site.)
Morphology and Word formation https://documentcloud.adobe.com/link/track?uri=urn%3Aaaid%3Ascds%3AUS%3Ab6942c90-932e-4b52-8b15-e8989ea356b2 (Links to an external site.)
Common Syntax and Semantic Errors https://documentcloud.adobe.com/link/track?uri=urn%3Aaaid%3Ascds%3AUS%3A47845dbe-c98c-4ce4-ba9c-19d5bbf8eca2 (Links to an external site.)
Rubric for Discussion Post #3
Not Met
0 – 2 points
3 – 4 points
5 points
Quality of post
(3 points)
Contribution by student provides information that has little or nothing to do with the discussion post questions and topic or simply restates the main concepts.
Contributions by student provides information that clearly relates to the discussion post questions and topic. All questions are answered.
Information clearly relates to the instructor’s discussion post questions and topic. All questions are answered in detail. Contributions by students are thoughtful and relevant to the discussion.
(2 points)
Responds to the discussion prompt, only.
Responds to the discussion prompt and one member of the class.
Responds to the discussion prompt and 2 or more other members of the class. Demonstrates interaction among members of the class.
The discussion post is submitted on time.
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