Geology homework help

  The purpose of this paper is to analyze four (4) instructor provided articles that represent the argument of both sides of the dispute over whether the process of hydraulic fracturing is responsible for the increased number of earthquakes occurring in the United States, including Texas.  You will use the information in these articles to help write the research paper.
Link to the 4 articles:
Two articles supporting Hydraulic fracturing IS NOT responsible for causing earthquakes:
– More Fracking few Earthquake
 Hidden Biases Towards the Fracking Industry 
Two articles supporting  Hydraulic Fracturing IS responsible for earthquakes
 What’s known – and suspected – about induced earthquakes 
 Earthquakes triggered by fracking, not just wastewater disposal, study finds 
What to include in the “Why Some Agree That Hydraulic Fracturing IS NOT causing earthquakes” section:
o This should be at least two 6-sentence paragraphs.
o Write in 3rd person. (Please do not use any 1st or 2nd person statements such as “you”, “I”, “we”, “us”)
· What to include in the “Why Some Agree That Hydraulic Fracturing IS causing earthquakes” section:
o Like the directions above: This should be at least two 6-sentence paragraphs.
o Write in 3rd person. (Please do not use any 1st or 2nd person statements such as “you”, “I”, “we”, “us”)
· What to include in the “Summary” section:
o This should be at least two 5-sentence paragraphs.
o Please write in 1st person.
o This is a “critical thinking paragraph”. Answer the following questions inside of this paragraph, but DO NOT include the questions:
§ What preconceived ideas about hydraulic fracturing-earthquake debate did you have BEFORE reading the articles that you cited in this paper?
§ How have your ideas changed after reading the cited articles? For example, what is YOUR opinion/position on whether or not hydraulic fracturing is causing earthquakes? Explain what specifically influenced your position and any items that limit your understanding and ability to form an opinion on this topic.

  • Why do you believe that        continued research by experts on this subject is important? (Explain the        relevance and complexity of the research findings.)
  • What question(s) has this        research paper raised for you?  What are you still wondering about?        (NOTE:  nothing is not an acceptable answer.)