History homework help. MUS-2220 sec.001
Instructor: Weik
Listening Report # 1
Name: _______________________________________ R#________________________
Performance Date: ____________ Performance Location: ________________________
Group Name/Artist(s): _____________________________________________________
Instrumentation: __________________________________________________________
Selection # 1 Title (if able): _____________________________ Tempo: fast, med, slow
Rhythmic Style (swing, Latin, rock, etc.): _________________ Meter (3, 4, 5, etc.): ____
Which instruments play the introduction? ______________________________________
Which play the melody during the head? ______________________________________
List the order of solos by instrument: _________________________________________
Drum solo? Trade 2’s, 4’s, extended solo? _____________________________________
Tempo changes? Double time, half time, etc. __________________________________
Describe the bass accompaniment (in 2, walking, interactive, etc.): __________________
Describe the ending (abrupt, tag, like the beginning, etc.): _________________________
Describe the form of the song: AABA, ABAC, Blues, Other____________
Note if you heard any: call & response, shout chorus, collective improv. stop time, etc.
(Describe briefly) _________________________________________________________
Selection # 2 Title (if able): _____________________________ Tempo: fast, med, slow
Rhythmic Style (swing, Latin, rock, etc.): _________________ Meter (3, 4, 5, etc.): ____
Which instruments play the introduction? ______________________________________
Which play the melody during the head? ______________________________________
List the order of solos by instrument: _________________________________________
Drum solo? Trade 2’s, 4’s, extended solo? _____________________________________
Tempo changes? Double time, half time, etc. __________________________________
Describe the bass accompaniment (in 2, walking, interactive, etc.): __________________
Describe the ending (abrupt, tag, like the beginning, etc.): _________________________
Describe the form of the song: AABA, ABAC, Blues, Other____________
Note if you heard any (see above):____________________________________________
Selection # 3 Title (if able): _____________________________ Tempo: fast, med, slow
Rhythmic Style (swing, Latin, rock, etc.): _________________ Meter (3, 4, 5, etc.): ____
Which instruments play the introduction? ______________________________________
Which play the melody during the head? ______________________________________
List the order of solos by instrument: _________________________________________
Drum solo? Trade 2’s, 4’s, extended solo? _____________________________________
Tempo changes? Double time, half time, etc. __________________________________
Describe the bass accompaniment (in 2, walking, interactive, etc.): __________________
Describe the ending (abrupt, tag, like the beginning, etc.): _________________________
Describe the form of the song: AABA, ABAC, Blues, Other____________
Note if you heard any (see above):____________________________________________
How do the musicians communicate with each other during the performance?
What about this music makes it Jazz in quality and/or nature?
How does this experience differ from the live music you’ve heard before you took this
What other impressions do you have about this performance?
Performer (or Bartender/Wait Staff) Signature __________________________________
Do NOT sign if the report isn’t filled out!