History Homework Help

discussion part1 The Gospel in the OTAfter completing the required reading and watching the lectures, answer the following prompt:Read Psalm 22 and Matthew 26-27 again. Answer the following question

  • discussion part1   The Gospel in the OTAfter completing the required reading and watching the lectures, answer the following prompt:Read Psalm 22 and Matthew 26-27 again. Answer the following questions:
    • What is your reaction to the connection in language between a NT Gospel and an OT Psalm?
    • Is this just a big coincidence, or is there a prophetic connection that shows us that God planned to send Jesus all along?
    • Share your thoughts about this inner-biblical connection, and take some time to write about what this connection could mean in your life.
    • If this connection is truly letting us know that Jesus is the answer to the sin problem, how do you respond?
    • Session five ——-: Hebrews and The Main Point of the OTIn this two-part final project, you will construct an in-depth examination of Jesus’s NT fulfillment of the entire OT system. The book of Hebrews is one giant OT sermon in the NT. The section in view for this assignment focuses on how Jesus fulfills the OT.
    • Part 1: Take the NT text, Hebrews 6:13-10:18, and make an annotated list of all the ways Jesus fulfills the systems of the OT. Starting from the beginning of this passage, complete the following:
    • Part 2: Create a succinct and clear summary of your findings. How would you communicate your conclusions to a middle-school student? In the equivalent of two pages, double spaced, communicate the following:
    • Paper should be 6-8 pages, double spaced (not including the title and reference pages).
    • Written in Word using APA format (see the APA Requirements module for further assistance).
    • In-text citations included to support your main points.
    • this have two part the discussion question and session five