Human Resource Management homework help


Write a letter to the current United States President, and put forth arguments regarding why you support or are against an increase in minimum wage. In your letter, discuss whether managers should be given a higher minimum wage or be paid overtime. Address what the minimum weekly salary should be for bona fide executives, administrators, or professionals.
Your letter should be at least one full page/ All sources used, including the textbook, must be referenced; paraphrased and quoted material must have accompanying APA style citations. Draft the letter using proper, formal letter writing format. Must use the attached template

  • Inside addresses
  • Formal greeting
  • Introduction
  • Purpose for the letter
  • Rationale for your request and research to support your opinion and ideas
  • Respectful appreciation for the president taking the time to consider your suggestions
  • Formal closure including your name
  • attachment

  • attachment



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