Human Resource Management homework help

Module 02: Discussion: Motivation

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Discussion Topic: Motivation
Watch Dan Pink video:  Drive: the surprising truth that motivates us. (Links to an external site.)

Then review chapter 5 regarding motivation.  Understanding motivation is important because compensation, turnover, and other HR concerns are related to it.  Chapter 5 also outlines four theories (Need, Two-Factor, Expectancy, and Equity) that concentrate on intrinsic and extrinsic factors.

  • After watching Daniel Pink’s video, research motivational factors and align one of the theories that you believe aligns with the video.

Discussion Board Directions:

  • You will not be able to view your classmate’s posts until you post.
  • Your initial post should be 3-4 paragraphs in length.
  • Include one peer reviewed journal article to support your post. 
  • Your initial post is due by Thursday. This allows you and your classmates time to read and reply.
  • For full credit, you are required to respond to a minimum of two classmates. Please begin your reply by addressing the student by name. Your responses must be completed by Sunday at midnight.
  • Please refer to the rubric for the grading requirements. You can view the rubric by clicking on the wheel in the upper right corner and selecting “show rubric.”


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