In a 2-3 page paper, compare the way English, Spanish, and French settlers interacted with the Native Americans. For each group, answer the following questions: How many settlers were sent? What was the gender ratio? Did the group come with the intention to settle? To trade? How did their intent impact interactions with the Native Americans? Analyze the impact that culture had on these interactions. Remember to use APA-style citations.) include turn it in report as well

In a 2-3 page paper, compare the way English, Spanish, and French settlers interacted with the Native Americans. For each group, answer the following questions: How many settlers were sent? What was the gender ratio? Did the group come with the intention to settle? To trade? How did their intent impact interactions with the Native Americans? Analyze the impact that culture had on these interactions. Remember to use  APA-style citations.)
include turn it in report as well

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