Information Systems homework help

Summarize the current state of each of the following established technologies related to the targets in the company’s IT globalization plan. Explain how the current weaknesses identified in the plan may affect the company’s global performance.
•   data storage (see target 1)
•   unified communications system (mail, conferencing, and messaging) (see target 2)
•   enterprise resource planning (ERP) system (see target 5)
•   integrated point-of-sale (POS) system (see target 6)
•   customer resource management (CRM) system (see target 11)
B.  Recommend changes to the “Activities” section of the “Data Storage” target in the IT globalization plan, justifying how the recommended changes will better meet stated company objectives and goals, as well as how these changes will improve company performance.
C.  Recommend changes to the “Activities” section of the “Unified Communications System” target in the IT globalization plan, justifying how the recommended changes will better meet stated company objectives and goals, as well as how these changes will improve company performance.
D.  Recommend changes to the “Activities” section of the “ERP” target in the IT globalization plan, justifying how the recommended changes will better meet stated company objectives and goals, as well as how these changes will improve company performance.
E.  Recommend changes to the “Activities” section of the “POS” target in the IT globalization plan, justifying how the recommended changes will better meet stated company objectives and goals, as well as how these changes will improve company performance.
F.  Recommend changes to the “Activities” section of the “CRM” target in the IT globalization plan, justifying how the recommended changes will better meet stated company objectives and goals, as well as how these changes will improve company performance.
G.  Justify how the recommended changes (in parts B – F) to the IT globalization plan align with the company’s goals of addressing global technology trends, standards, best practices, and initiatives.
H.  Explain how the updated IT globalization plan addresses international market opportunities and the challenges of a global economy.
I.  Explain what challenges and opportunities may result from the company implementing and maintaining its IT globalization plan.
J.  Acknowledge sources, using APA-formatted in-text citations and references, for content that is quoted, paraphrased, or summarized.
K.  Demonstrate professional communication in the content and presentation of your submission.
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