Nursing homework help

 Work 1
After completing the readings, respond to the following prompts:

  • Discuss the ethical and legal factors as well as professional standards of practice considered in evaluating a person’s capacity to make decisions.
  • Discuss challenges you as you as a service provider for aging adults would have in evaluating a person’s capacity and how you may go about doing this.
  • Discuss what you found surprising in the readings as it relates to determining capacity.
  • Propose methods in which you as you as a service provider for aging adults would incorporate capacity evaluation practices into your interaction with aging adults.

Your initial post should be 300 to 500 words, with one to two supporting references included.
Readings :

Work 2
After reading Syme and Cohn (2016), identify two factors you found interesting as well as explain how the authors help you better understand how to combat stigma and generational differences about sex.
Identify ways in which leadership of a residential health care facility can support the sexual expression of aging adults. Propose methods by which healthcare professionals can incorporate sexual education into routine interactions with aging adults.
Discuss how you would educate and train staff working in a residential aging service setting on how to respond to aging adults engaging in sexual relationships. What are challenges you might anticipate in these situations? How might you address staff’s ageist assumptions, attitudes, and personal beliefs regarding older adult sexuality?
Your initial post should be 300 to 500 words, with one to two supporting references included.