>Nursing homework help

 Please respond to the following questions based upon these course objectives:

  • Explain the significance of microbiology.
  • Describe microbial growth processes.
  • Examine the control of microbial growth.
  • Evaluate laboratory safety and aseptic technique.
  • Interpret experimental results.

Please answer the following questions with supporting examples and full explanations.

  • For each of the learning objectives, provide an analysis of how the course supported each objective.
  • Explain how the material learned in this course, based upon the objectives, will be applicable to a professional application.

Reflect back on your journey through this course and answer the following:

  • What are microbes and what is their relation to infectious disease?
  • What defenses does the human body have to combat infectious disease?
  • What are some treatments associated with the microbes that cause infectious disease?
  • What infectious disease in the Infectious Disease Profile Series intrigued you the most? Why?
  • What topic in the course did you find most interesting and applicable?
  • Thoughts on your learning in the course?

Please be sure to validate your opinions and ideas with citations and references in APA format.


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