Nursing homework help

PICO and Literature Search Due on: Sunday, September 27 @ 2359.
Purpose: PICO questions are used by practicing nurses and researchers to focus research questions and develop an efficient literature search strategy. It is essential that future nurses learn how to do this to develop evidenced-based solutions to patient care problems in a healthcare organization. Assessment: This assignment is worth 68 points and 20% of your grade. It is graded according to the embedded rubric in this submission folder. Late submissions will incur a 10% deduction per day, unless a Late Pass is used.
Instructions: 1. Write a PICO question based on a scenario you
choose from the list of scenarios attached below. Use the templates in the EBP Step by Step 3 article to help create your questions. You may need to do a pre-search to finding an intervention (the “I”) that has been studied and published to solve the problem.
2. Identify the PICO elements for each question.
3. Develop a search strategy using at least 3 keywords from the P, I, and O parts of your PICO, 1 synonym for one of the keywords, and 1 MeSH term for one of your keywords.
4. Locate 4 articles that help answer your PICO question. The articles must meet the following requirements: ◦ must be primary source quantitative research
articles. ◦ the population studied, issues/intervention of
interest, comparator, and outcomes measured in the article should match the P, I, C, and O of your PICO question.
◦ No article can be older than 2015. 5. Obtain pdfs of the four articles you selected from
the ResU database. If not available for the ResU database, you may request access from the ResU Library, or you can email me the citation for the article, and I will attempt to locate a pdf of it.
6. On a Word document, include your scenario; write your PICO question as a sentence; identify the P, I, C, and O for each question; and list the search terms (3 keywords, 1 synonym, 1 MeSH term) for each. You may use the template attached here. See also the link to the MeSH terms website below.
7. Provide a properly formatted APA reference page for your selected articles from Step 4 of these instructions. See the link to the APA and Writing LibGuide below.
8. Name each document (one Word doc and 4 article pdfs) as follows and upload to the appropriate submission folder in Brightspace: ◦ Lastname PICO, ◦ Lastname article 1, ◦ Lastname article 2, ◦ Lastname article 3, ◦ Lastname article 4


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