p Management homework help

MGT 302 SLP 2
In the Module 2 SLP assignment, you will take another test, but this one is about what motivates you. Please take the test at this site (or another site of your choice, or do both tests for comparison of results):
Paper needs to be 3-4 pages addressing:

  • What are your top three most important needs, according to the test?
  • How do you satisfy these needs?
  • Are your needs the same at home as they are at work?
  • How do your needs affect your motivation to do well in life?
  • What motivates you to get up every day and go to work?

Then, meet with your best friend, a trusted manager, or a coworker who know you well, and discuss the results of your motivation test. Write about the results of your personality test and your answers to the above five questions.
Having met with your selected trusted person, is how you see yourself the same as how they see you? In the final submission of this assignment, include a paragraph of at least 150 words (or ½ page double-spaced) covering the highlights of your discussion with that person. (This is in addition to your responses to the five questions above.)
In addition, check for the correct use of basic APA formatting of the document and references, such as the use of Times New Roman size 12 font, double-spaced paragraphs, paragraphs indented ½ inch, margins on all four sides of the paper set at 1 inch, and bold headings. You can use another formatting style, such as Chicago or MLA, as long as you use it consistently throughout your paper.

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