Philosophy homework help

Philosophy homework help. Below, you will find your cumulative final exam question. In response to the prompt, you are
to compose an essay of no less than 1500 words—or, roughly, six full pages, double spaced,
size 12 Times New Roman font, standard margins—and no more than 2500 words (roughly
ten full pages), due no later than midnight (via ecampus) on Thursday, May 14th
. Late
assignments will not be accepted without previous arrangements having been made prior
to the deadline, and, as the syllabus clearly states, you must turn in all assignments in
order to be eligible to pass the class. Your response must be thorough and well-written,
with references to the text; to that end, I invite you to visit the ‘Course Materials’ tab in
ecampus for resources that provide greater clarity regarding my expectations for what
constitutes a strong paper, as well as the standards according to which I will evaluate your
I encourage you to use secondary sources, but be sure to cite them to a fault; if I catch
a whiff of plagiarism, then you automatically fail the assignment and are subject to further
disciplinary actions by the Dean of Liberal Arts.
Be bold in your undertaking; I wish you the best of luck!
Prompt Question
At this point in your life, what is your overall moral philosophy?
To be sure, this is NOT an assignment that invites you to write freely on your
individual opinion as though it were a ‘personal reflection’ or a ‘journal entry’
assignment. Rather, the nature of the assignment compels you to engage the course
text in an extremely detailed fashion; failing to do so will result in a poor grade.
In crafting your response, you are required to draw from at least three of the primarysource articles covered in class that are contained in ‘Part One: Fundamental
Questions’ of Beauchamp’s Philosophical Ethics; these include articles by the
following six authors: R. Dworkin (ch.1); G.J. Warnock; J.L Mackie; Brandt;
MacIntyre; and Gauthier. You are, of course, encouraged to draw from more than just
three articles; similarly, you are certainly welcome to draw from Beauchamp’s own
commentary when designing your argument, yet citing Beauchamp does not count as one of
the requisite primary sources.
This question entails three facets of consideration, each of which may inform one’s
organizational structure of one’s essay response.
First, what do you understand ‘morality to be, broadly speaking? In other words, what do
you mean when you refer to something as, say, ‘ right,’ ‘wrong,’ ‘good,’ ‘evil,’ ‘just,’ ‘unjust,’
‘fair,’ ‘unfair,’ ‘harmful,’ ‘offensive,’ ‘autonomy,’ ‘community,’ ‘obligation, ‘my rights,’
‘liberty,’ ‘oppression,’ etc., and what does your definition of such terms reveal about your
orientation towards life? Similarly, how did you come to arrive at this position, and what, if
any, ethical principles ground your understanding?
Secondly, is your moral philosophy susceptible to any sort of criticism? For instance, does it
suffer from any inconsistencies, or is it based on any particular prejudices or unfounded
biases? How would you respond to such criticism?
Lastly, what does your moral philosophy look like when put into practice? In other words,
as you live your life day-to-day, how does (or could) your personal interpretation of liberty
reveal itself in the choices you make and the actions you undertake? Please be specific by
describing a concrete situation, including how you evaluated (or would evaluate) the
circumstances; how those ethical judgments led you to act; and how you justified those
actions at the time versus whether or not you still find them to be justifiable. What might
such reflection suggest about the significance of possessing a sense of liberty in your life?
*Finally, this essay prompt, like most assignments in the discipline of philosophy, compels
one to engage in introspection and, in many ways, could help one come to a fuller awareness,
or realization, of who one is and why; to that end, I invite you to be sincere, thoughtful, and
bold in this rather unique academic undertaking – I look forward to your respons

Philosophy homework help


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