Philosophy Homework Help

Unit Essay: Ethics Prompt: Carefully explain each normative ethical theory listed below, specifically outlining how they differ. Then, for the scenario described below, explain, in detail, how each of

Unit Essay: Ethics

Prompt: Carefully explain each normative ethical theory listed below, specifically outlining how they differ. Then, for the scenario described below, explain, in detail, how each of the following normative ethical theories would apply:

a) Kant’s deontology 

b) Mill’s utilitarianism

In Fyodor Dostoyevsky’s famous novel, Crime and Punishment, the main character, Raskolnikov, plots and carries out the murder of an old woman who has a considerable amount of money in her apartment. He kills her and then takes the money. He justifies his actions by arguing that she was a malicious old woman who was petty, selfish, cantankerous, and scheming. She did herself no good and was useless to society (assume this is true). Her life caused no happiness to herself or anyone else. In addition, her money would have only gone to greedy lawyers if she had died. Now, Raskolnikov can use the money for his education. Is his action justified?

Remember, be sure to thoroughly explain the theory and explain how it would apply to the scenario described above.