Psychology Homework Help

Step 2: Create a post (New Thread) that responds to the following question: Read about the behavioral concepts of classical and operant conditioning in Ch. 5. Watch the videos that review these conce

Step 2: Create a post (New Thread) that responds to the following question:

Read about the behavioral concepts of classical and operant conditioning in Ch. 5.  Watch the videos that review these concepts and answer the question below. Note: You will not be able to see your classmate’s posts before writing your post.

The behaviorists would say that nothing occurs by accident.  Every behavior shaped by the principles of classical and operant conditioning.  Think back to your elementary school years.  The adults in your life (parents, teachers, family members) were given the task of teaching you “right from wrong”.  Think of one example from your childhood where the principles operant conditioning were used to shape your behavior.  Give a specific, detailed example and then identify the specific operant conditioning technique that was used.  Pay close attention to this assignment, as students often get the terms negative reinforcement and punishment confused.

Step 3: Respond to 2 classmate’s posts with a substantive reply. ( after I submit the first part I can send you this part )