Psychology homework help

Write a letter as a call to action to advocate for a policy change in a community. Examples include a new policy, new practices or ways to carry out an existing policy, a new or modified community program, or research to analyze the issue further. Examples include a legislator, city mayor, newspaper editor, college president or the head of a business. Choose an issue with which you have personal experience or background knowledge on and which you also have a specific viewpoint. Include the following:

  • Define the specific problem or issue you are addressing.
  • Describe aspects of this issue that have gotten too little attention. This may include causes that have been overlooked. Cite sources of specific information.
  • Advocate a specific, feasible course of action to address these aspects of the issue.

Create your response into a word doc using APA format with a minimum word count of 550-750 – word count. Include in- text citations which will connect to the factual points from the article and/or textbook, and include the reference citation at the end of the document, also in APA format.


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