Reading homework help

Story Pitch:
The idea of this topic came to my mind when I was reading the essay which was writing during high school. I saw how homeless people were shivering and trying their best to stay warm and cozy using different materials like worn-out blankets and clothes. It is therefore very important to look at how homeless people survive and how they can be helped.
For this story, my main questions will be simple and basic but I will ensure that the story has a more visual impact through the interviews I will conduct. In the story, I will interview few homeless people, to understand their side f the story and how they can be helped.
I will also get in touch with some shelter homes to help understand their roles, especially during the winter season. I will also get their views on the role of the government in helping these people. I will shoot this interview by starting with a short clip of the life of the homeless and their daily struggles, especially during the winter season. This story will help people to see the struggle that these people go through and think of a plan of helping them out.