should i be a writer or artist

Can an artist also be a writer? – Yes, writers are artists. According to the Merriam-Webster Dictionary, an artist is a person who creates art using skill and creativity. The dictionary even includes writing as one of the examples of art.

Which is better drawing or writing? – Older adults who take up drawing could enhance their memory, according to a new study from the University of Waterloo. Researchers found that even if people weren’t good at it, drawing, as a method to help retain new information, was better than rewriting notes, visualization exercises, or passively looking at images.

How do I become an artist or writer? – › how-do-i-become-an-art-wr…

What is the best age to be a writer? – This study of professionally published novelists found the average age of first publication to be 36 years. Given that many novels take many years to perfect, it stands to reason that late twenties, early thirties are prime time for putting in those writing hours.

Why do people prefer to draw than write? – They have active brain cells It is not only an art that certain talented people, named artists, do, but studies have found the impact drawing has in one’s brain. The right hemisphere of our brain is responsible for creativity and imagination. While the left hemisphere is involved in logical task.

Does drawing ever get easier? – (source). When you draw every day, it doesn’t only seem easier, it actually is easier. You’ll notice that it takes less mental effort and energy to recreate the shapes and figures you’ve been working on, which can decrease the time it takes to complete them.

Is an art career worth it? – The short answer is yes. There are so many opportunities for artists — not just to get work, but also to learn and hone their craft however they can. It’s undoubtedly a good time to be a freelance artist, though you might want to keep your day job as you work toward becoming a full-time artist!

Can I be both a writer and an artist? – In some instances, a writer may exhibit characteristics of both an author and artist, but this is rare. It is usually the result of years of writing practice and experience in the writing world. Beginning writers will lean one way or the other.

Is art a good career? – Kicking off with perhaps the most obvious of art careers, there is no reason why you cannot pursue a career as a professional artist if you have talent and dedication. You will also need plenty of self-belief, stamina and the ability to promote yourself, as this is a highly competitive career path.

Who is the youngest author? – She recently turned eight and the young kid has already bagged the title of the world’s youngest writer. Recognised by the International Book of Records, Abhijita Gupta became a published author at the tender age of seven last year.

How old is the average author? – Our research shows that authors are having to wait longer to publish a bestseller, with the average age of first time bestselling authors increasing by decade. The average age of an author who achieves bestseller status for the first time today is 52 years, compared to 44.5 in the 50s. That’s over 7 years longer.

Do writers get better with age? – Since our brains are always growing and adapting, this makes for writing that is continually progressing and changing in various ways, too. Researchers at the University of Toronto even found that the brain’s left and right hemispheres are able to communicate better when we are middle-aged.