Accounting Homework Help

Accounting Homework Help. Dear writer, please review instructions from the professor: In this discussion, you are to select a hearing by the House Financial Services Committee in the past 3 years. You may not use the one I ass

Dear writer, please review instructions from the professor: In this discussion, you are to select a hearing by the House Financial Services Committee in the past 3 years. You may not use the one I assigned in the module (i.e. “Hearing on the FASB by the House Financial Services Committee”). You need to briefly summarize the issue heard and discuss why Congress was having a hearing on this topic. Also, explain whether the public interest or interest group theory better explains the reason for the hearing. The presumption being that a hearing is held in advance of legislation on a particular topic. **You can pick any hearings within the past 3 years from except ” “Hearing on the FASB by the House Financial Services Committee”

Accounting Homework Help