Article Writing Homework Help

Article Writing Homework Help. IT GOVERNANCE Assignment Overview Many firms are using Big Data to power their decision making. Here is a chance to see how firms are using Big data and how it impacts their decision making. Case Assi


Assignment Overview

Many firms are using Big Data to power their decision making. Here is a chance to see how firms are using Big data and how it impacts their decision making.

Case Assignment

For Big Data, find a case study and describe the use of Big Data in that firm and provide as much detail as you can about how the system is set up as well as the benefits.

Go to

and select your case.

Assignment Expectations

Identify the case study you located in Provide a description of how Big Data is used by the firm in the case study. Be sure to provide as much as you can about the technical details of how the system was implemented

and used. 

This should take 3 to 4 pages.

Article Writing Homework Help