Article Writing Homework Help

Article Writing Homework Help. You have been selected to put together a promotional presentation to advertise a product or service of your choice. You only have a few minutes to make your pitch to the stakeholders. Select a product

You have been selected to put together a promotional presentation to advertise a product or service of your choice. You only have a few minutes to make your pitch to the stakeholders.

Select a product and create a two-slide presentation to market and sale your product:

Slide #1: Write a summary of your product feature(s) or service(s).

Slide #2: Showcase your marketing accompanied with a tag line. You should use minimum graphics and text for your advisement.

The assignment should include the features discussed in this unit’s readings which include, but are not limited to: a design theme, images, various type faces, color schemes, and transitions. I hope you land the deal!!!

Article Writing Homework Help