Article Writing Homework Help

Article Writing Homework Help. Complete 8 pages APA formatted article: Responsible Gambling. It is done in order to save the customers from the negative impacts of gambling or gaming. Apart from this, maximum extent of the industri

Complete 8 pages APA formatted article: Responsible Gambling. It is done in order to save the customers from the negative impacts of gambling or gaming. Apart from this, maximum extent of the industries or organizations operating in this industry try to implement land-based and online gambling services so as to enhance the reliability of the customers (Wenderoth, 2009, p. 21).

Other than this, with the help of responsible gaming or gambling process, the customers get protection from vulnerable practices, protection against fraud and non-ethical behaviours of other consumers, maintenance of varied information’s utterly private, ensuring prompt payments, delivering a fair and ethical gaming experience, high-level of commitment is also observed to enhance customer satisfaction and demands to retain them. Such types of behaviours are extremely essential for the consumers of the industry of gaming or gambling as their age-bar differs from one another.

The prime target audiences seen in the industry of gaming or gambling are mainly youths within an age limit of 18 to 28. In order to fulfil their excitement and fun, maximum extent of these youths of the wealthy families of China, Thai and Korea enter into this sector. The individuals getting attracted to gambling, desire to attain relief from varied types of mental distress and tension, so it is extremely essential to present humble behaviour with them. Otherwise, due to certain fraudulent conducts, he or she might get disturbed resulting in breakdown of their physical and mental health. Due to which, the reputation and image of the organization might get ruined resulting in switch-over of numerous other customers as well.

Moreover, adults and parents, suffering from varied types of economic and social hardship, desire to engage themselves in gambling to get rid from such problems.

Article Writing Homework Help