Article Writing Homework Help

Article Writing Homework Help. Complete 2 pages APA formatted article: Trends and Tactics used for Mobile Marketing.

Complete 2 pages APA formatted article: Trends and Tactics used for Mobile Marketing. Trends and Tactics used for Mobile Marketing Grade (Oct. 19th, Trends and Tactics used for MobileMarketing

Mobile marketing is the fastest growing marketing concept in the 21st century, owing to the increased access and use of mobile devises globally (Richardson, 2010). Consequently, while mobile marketing was a traditional focus for B2C seeking to customer reach by the businesses, the trend has now changed, with the B2B increasingly taking the same marketing strategy (Shankar & Carpenter, 2012). However, the success of mobile marketing is not simply based on the presence in the mobile marketing platforms, but on how well a business strategizes on reaching its customers. In this respect, Starbucks and Apple Inc. are two organizations that have managed to apply mobile marketing successfully and effectively, thus generating the desired response from the consumers in terms of increased purchases of their brands. Nevertheless, while the two companies have enjoyed the benefits of mobile marketing through increased sales and revenues, the two companies have applied different approaches to reach their customers and expand their customer base through mobile marketing.

Apple Inc.

Apple has managed to realize the benefits of mobile marketing through adapting simplicity as the key to the mobile marketing campaigns (DeMers, 2014). It is always necessary that an advertisement is formulated to give the consumers as much information as possible regarding the brand being promoted, so that the consumers can be fully knowledgeable on the product they are seeking to purchase (Shankar & Carpenter, 2012). However, this principle does not hold for the mobile marketing strategy, and Apple Inc. is one of the companies that company has realized that selling through the mobile devices is working on the basis of “less for more” (DeMers, 2014). This is because, the consumers using the mobile marketing platform are always on the move and busy, and thus they have only limited time to scroll through an advertisement message through their phone (Richardson, 2010). Consequently, Apple Inc. has applied the simplicity strategy, by focusing on formulating very simple advertisement messages that the mobile users can flip through within a few seconds and get the whole message. Consequently, the customers are able to search for the product based on the simple captivating message given and eventually purchase the product (DeMers, 2014).


Starbucks is another company that managed to effectively tap on the benefits of mobile marketing, through using the reward strategy. a reward system as the major strategy for attracting and retaining the attention of the customers (Vong, 2012). Starbucks has established a reward system program that rewards its repeat customers, and then is divulging this advertisement through the mobile marketing platform. Consequently, the strategy makes it easier for the target customers to be reached personally, considering the fact that most of the consumers who own a mobile phone normally have the phone with them practically all the time (Richardson, 2010). This makes it possible for the attractive reward program by Starbucks to gain more attention both through mobile accessibility and the consequent word of mouth. The Starbucks strategy is becoming very effective because. when a reward system is communicated to a target consumer through their phone, it becomes more personalized and owned by the consumer as opposed to an advertisement that could be made through TV or print media (Shankar & Carpenter, 2012).

Thus, both Starbucks and Apple Inc. have been able to tap on the mobile marketing platform effectively through applying the simplicity and the reward system strategies respectively. and thus are consequently reaping the benefit of their unique mobile marketing strategies.


DeMers, J. (2014, August 7). Heres The Simple Secret To Apples Marketing Success. The Forbes Magazine. Retrieved on October 20, 2014 from

Richardson, N. (2010). A quick start guide to mobile marketing: How to create a dynamic campaign and improve your competitive advantage. London: Kogan Page.

Shankar, V., & Carpenter, G. S. (2012). Handbook of Marketing Strategy. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar Pub.

Vong, K. (2012, July 9). How Mobile Marketing Campaigns Are Changing the Advertising Landscape. Retrieved on October 20, 2014 from http://www.trendreports.

Article Writing Homework Help