Article writing homework help

Article writing homework help. You will write an analytic paper (10 pages in length) reflecting on personal skills, abilities and interests, analyzing a minimum of two Intelligence Community agencies/organizations and identify two careers of interest to the student within those agencies. There is no right answer. Analytic papers will be submitted through the assignment section within the course by Saturday, June 20, 2020 at 11:59PM. The paper must analyze the strengths and challenges facing the agencies, the reasons why the student’s skills and abilities match with the agency, AND should be well-written (minimal spelling, grammar, or sentence structure errors), and have clear introduction (with Bottom Line Up Front), body and conclusion. Rubric for this assignment will be in the course contents folder.
Assignment Expectations:
Students will demonstrate the ability to write effectively, employing appropriate style, organization and writing mechanics on an analytic writing assignment.
Assessment method: Analytic Rubric, Students will score up to 15 points on the written communication portion of the rubric.
Students will apply knowledge of national security and intelligence agencies to perform an analysis that compares and contrasts two agencies.
Assessment method: Analytic Rubric, Students will score up to 10 points on the analysis portion of the rubric.
Students will apply knowledge of national security and intelligence agencies to determine which agency would be most suitable for their individual skills level.
Assessment method: Analytic Rubric, Students will score up to 10 points on the application portion of the rubric.

Article writing homework help

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