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Assignment Help. Write 8 pages with APA style on A Noise Prevention Programme. The Noise-Induced Hearing Loss (NIHL) is termed as a sickness, which occurs due to the high volume of noise in the working place, especial

Write 8 pages with APA style on A Noise Prevention Programme. The Noise-Induced Hearing Loss (NIHL) is termed as a sickness, which occurs due to the high volume of noise in the working place, especially the manufacturing unit. HCP presents guidelines, which will be helpful in assisting the employer as well as the plant engineers to maintain the noise density in the workplace (Stanford University, 2006).

The objective of the study is to prepare guidelines, which will be helpful in creating awareness regarding workplace health maintenance and its benefits for the health and security of the workers. The objective of the HCP is to diminish the risk of the various health disorders, which is related to workplace noise exposure and will be helpful to prevent the Noise from Induce Deafness (NID).

HCP is one of the most important functions, which is helpful in maintaining the health prosperity of the employee as well as employers. There are some basic and essential features of HCP that support in maintaining a healthy environment within the workplace. Those essential features of the program include recognizing the noise threat and assess the risk, which is related to NID. Moreover, HCP provides appropriate hearing protectors, which ensures the proper use of the hearing protector by the individuals who are always exposed to excessive noise. HCP is most important for controlling the hearing loss of the employees as it provides a safeguarding measure to minimize the risk of hearing loss due to excessive noise. Also, it is most essential because hearing loss can reduce the normal quality of an individual life. In this context, for the better life of individuals, HCP similarly offers health screening benefits for employees (Steenkamp, n.d.).

It is evident from the fact that the benefits of the employers are to provide good facilities to employees to ensure the increase in productivity of the organization.&nbsp.HCP is of significance as it provides all over workers’ health policy towards the employees for long term sustainability.&nbsp.

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