Business & Finance homework help

Business & Finance homework help.

Compass Study Marketing Plan

(Due Friday – the last day of the class)

The Marketing Plan Assignment is designed as a learning exercise to help students bring all of the learning from the course into one project. The Marketing Plan will be due at the end of the term and should be worked on throughout the course.

Each student will be required to develop a Plan consisting of an absolute minimum 10 pages of content, not counting title page, charts, partial pages or reference pages, using 12-point font, single spaced, in Microsoft Word format. The organizational format of the paper must follow the Sample Marketing Plan on page B-1 of the text Appendix B (a link to the Sample Marketing Plan document is below and you can also access it online by going to At the end of each chapter there is good information regarding the creation of a Marketing Plan.

All references used in the creation of the Plan should be detailed in a Bibliography list at the end of the paper. Papers must use at least 10 references in the work.

In addition to the issues outlined in the sample marketing plan in Appendix B, students can also consider if there Plan should include the following:

  • Sales forecast
  • Market potential
  • Market share
  • Competitive structure
  • Fixed and variable cost
  • Contribution per unit
  • Break even
  • Cash flow requirements
  • Expected ROI

Each Marketing Plan will contain information unique to the subject being researched and there is no “perfect” sample plan to review, however the format of the Plan should follow the standard format outlined in these instructions.

Note: the example in the text has a very abbreviated V. B.  Marketing Mix section. The Marketing Mix is the most important part of the Marketing Plan. You need to provide specific strategies and discussion for the Product, Price, Distribution, and Promotion, according to what your Marketing Plan is trying to accomplish (Objective). For example, if you are proposing strengthening the product offerings of an existing company, you will need to provide this detail under Product. You may propose some Promotion strategies as well in order to create awareness and interest for this new product. Maybe there is some added Distribution for this new product which you describe under Distribution. Make sure your Marketing Mix section has adequate content with description and marketing strategies that will bring about your objective.

Students can choose the product, brand, company, or organization that will be the subject of their Plan. Students will email the Instructor, no later than the end of the second week of class, outlining the subject they wish to develop in their Plan. The Instructor will then respond to this subject idea by sending a return email to the student, approving the idea or suggestion alternatives.

During the term, the student should email the Instructor with any questions regarding the development of the Marketing Plan. The Plan is due on the final day of the course.


SAMPLE_MARKETING_PLAN_Appendix_B_Marketing_Pride and Fererell_2016_18e_.pdf

View the Week 9 Activities Page

Business & Finance homework help