Calculus homework help

Calculus homework help. Explore the exponential function using the Guided Visualization found at Sketching Exponential Functions.  The general form of the exponential function is  f(x) = a b x+c + d. Use the parameter sliders to see how changes in the parameters will affect the graph and the behavior of the function.
After exploring on your own, set a = 1, b = 2, c = 0 and d = 0.  You should see the graph of f(x) = 2x. Check the boxes for Integer Values, Equation, Grid and Asymptote.
For your Initial Thread posting, write down 3 true statements and 1 false statement (not in this order) about the graph and the function. Use some of the following words in your statements:  increasing, decreasing, horizontal asymptote, vertical asymptote, x-intercept, y-intercept, domain and range.

Calculus homework help

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