English Homework Help

English Homework Help. Writing Plan 2 Requirements Read and follow all instructions; prepare to lose points for failure to do soWrite at least 1 well-developed paragraph of 5-8 sentences in response to each prompt for a to

Writing Plan 2


  • Read and follow all instructions; prepare to lose points for failure to do so
  • Write at least 1 well-developed paragraph of 5-8 sentences in response to each prompt for a total of at least 3 well-developed paragraphs
  • Read all the prompts before you begin writing
  • Your responses must address all aspects of the prompts and be specific
  • Copy and Paste the Writing Plan 2 Prompts in their entirety into your document and then write your responses directly beneath each corresponding prompt; leave the prompts in the document that you submit for evaluation
  • Double-space all your own work (prompts should remain single-spaced)
  • 12-point Times New Roman
  • Indent paragraphs one-half inch
  • Do NOT quote passages from your article; only the title should appear in quotations — everything else you write must be in your own words; if you must quote a specific word or passage, do so correctly in accordance with MLA format.
  • Your work will be evaluated using Turnitin, and any work that risks plagiarism faces a failing score  (zero points).


  • Any templates you use from They Say/I Say may get flagged.  This is NOT plagiarism.
  • Published titles often get flagged, even when properly cited.  This is NOT plagiarism.
  • The Writing Plan templates that are required for all Writing Plan work may get flagged.  This is NOT plagiarism.  Use the required Writing Plan template.
  • This assignment is open-book and open-note.


Prompt 1: The One Article (The “They Say”) and Its Stance on the Topic at HandProvide the full name of the author and the title of the one article that you are addressing in Paper 2. Provide a brief, accurate, and unbiased summary of the article (at least several sentences).  Remember, summaries are in your own words and are not paraphrases. Discuss why the article is important in terms of the larger issue/topic that you are addressing in Paper 2.  Be specific in your responses.  Vague responses will lose points. 

Prompt 2:  Your Claim (The “I Say”) in Response to The “They Say” and on the Topic at Hand  Reiterate the topic that you are addressing.  What is the debate?  What is the larger argument regarding this topic?  Provide an overview of the topic.  To do this well, I encourage you to imagine that you are sharing this topic with someone who has never read the article that you are responding to in Paper 2.   State your claim on the topic.  Why is this your claim?  You must make clear why this is your claim.  Be specific.   Be specific in your responses.  Vague responses will lose points. Prompt 3: Key Points/Ideas that Support Your Position on the Topic at HandDescribe at least two key ideas that you want your readers to understand in your Paper 2.  You may provide more than two key ideas, but you must have at least two clearly articulated important key ideas that support your paper’s overall argument. The key ideas should support your overall claim, your stance or position on the topic.  Name each key idea.  Thoroughly and clearly describe these key points. Discuss how you will support these key ideas, how you will demonstrate the validity of your key ideas.  For example, you can support these key ideas with your own understanding, knowledge, and/or experiences.  Be specific. Why are the key points that you have chosen important to you?  How will you make them important to the reader?  Be specific. 



Sample response template for Prompt 3: 

Fill in the blank with your brilliance and much more than one word.

One key point I intend to make is ___________________________________. This key point is important and relevant to the topic at hand because ______________________________.   This key point will reflect my own experience with _______________________________.    This key point supports my overall argument that ____________________ by making clear ________________, and this is important to me because __________________________.

That is a Sample template for one key point that you are welcome to use for this Writing Plan. Use the Key Points template if you wish.  I made it for you to help you meet requirements.  The template will get flagged but it is not plagiarism.  Remember that you must have at least 2 key points/ideas for Prompt 3.

Be specific in all your responses to all three prompts.  Any and all vague responses will lose points. 

Regarding the Turnitin Report Requirement

Verify your work was correctly submitted and that it generated a Turnitin Report.  Remember, if you do not submit the work before the deadline or if the work you do submit does not generate a Turnitin Report, you will earn zero points for this assignment.  Writing Plans are worth 15% of your final grade for this course.  There will be three Writing Plans this semester.

Receiving an email from Sakai stating that your work was submitted is not sufficient, as that email only confirms a submission to Sakai but does not address the Turnitin Report.  You must manually verify that your work generated a Turnitin Report.  And you are to do that on your own. 

Do not ask me to verify that your work generated a Turnitin Report.

That is your responsibility, not mine. 

English Homework Help