English homework help

English homework help.

Q1: Letters
Compare one of Keats’ letters to one of his poems with the aim of discovering what his letter reveals about his poem. The letter could illuminate a better understanding of a phrase, a feeling, a literary device, maybe even one word, or something else entirely. Discover what the letter exposes about the poem, explaining how you arrived at your conclusions. THEN, explain how this new information affects the overall meaning of the poem. Perhaps the letter alters, emphasizes, or shifts your original understanding. Either way, build an argument for the connection you see between a poem and a letter while also connecting this new understanding to the poem’s theme.

Q2: Good Poetry?
Is Keats’ poetry any good? Explain your stance — for or against — by analyzing how they poetry is either good or bad. Furthermore, as with any open-ended question like this one, you must define what is “good” poetry. Then elaborate on why a certain poem, or poems, of Keats falls short of or exceeds your standard. Feel free to talk about literary devices, if that comes into play as a helpful or hindering quality of poetry. 


Q3: Truth
Our beliefs, values, ideas, inspirations, and even fears are beautiful to us. They ring true with deep meaning, and they stimulate us in ways that create passion. Examine a truth you hold, and you will see that you find it beautiful, even transcendent beyond yourself and the life you temporarily hold. What is your gracian urn? What speaks to you and makes you come alive? Use the notions and literature of Keats to examine yourself.

English homework help