Environmental Science Homework Help

Environmental Science Homework Help. You should have approximately 2 pages (double spaced) per question. 1) According to Taylor’s work, what keeps minorities from moving out of toxic communities? (To answer this question you’ll want t

You should have approximately 2 pages (double spaced) per question.  

1) According to Taylor’s work, what keeps minorities from moving out of toxic communities? (To answer this question you’ll want to address the difference between zoning ordinances and racial covenants. After detailing the specific differences, provide two examples of zoning ordinances and racial covenants from the book. In those examples, discuss the court case, the decision, and how it affected/impacted the likelihood that the practice would occur again.) 

2) Based on your reading of Taylor’s Toxic Communities, and citing at least 3 (three) court cases, argue why we continue to see a concentration of poor and minority populations in, or near, toxic environments?

3) According to Robinson’s Climate Justice, what are the main patterns or themes in all of the narratives she shares? Discuss two detailed examples (one from a developing nation, one from a developed nation) including the name of the person and country, their overall message, and why it’s important. What does Robinson mean when she argues that these are the voices on the “front lines of climate change?”

 4) Choose any documentary covered in class this semester. Name it. Then summarize what it was about. Next, make specific connections to any of the books we have read this semester (Wallace-Wells, Taylor, Robinson). In your analysis you need to point to the examples, explain what they are, and then explain how they connect.  

5) Returning to the work of Wallace-Wells, what would you argue, are his main points/arguments in his book? How does his work connect with (or supplement) the work of Robinson? (Be specific and explain those connections.)

Environmental Science Homework Help