Environmental Science Homework Help

Environmental Science Homework Help. Watch the two videos below and answer the prompts. Crisis Communication Tip – Don’t Let Bubba be Your De facto Spokesperson – YouTube BraudCast Answer: Who should be your spokesperson in a crisis? – Y

Watch the two videos below and answer the prompts.

Crisis Communication Tip – Don’t Let Bubba be Your De facto Spokesperson – YouTube

BraudCast Answer: Who should be your spokesperson in a crisis? – YouTube

  • How are the insights from the videos similar to or different from recommendations in your reading?
  • Do either of these videos add to your understanding of the readings on working with the media in a crisis or selecting a spokesperson?  How so (or not)??
  • Can you recommend any other online materials that might help someone feel better prepared to serve as a spokesperson during a crisis?
  • Answer in 300 words

Environmental Science Homework Help