Environmental Science Homework Help

Environmental Science Homework Help. Your assignment is to read the attached paper by Dr. Roy’s group in our department. This is a good and timely paper that shows you how research projects should be conducted (not that I expect any of

Your assignment is to read the attached paper by Dr. Roy’s group in our department.  This is a good and timely paper that shows you how research projects should be conducted (not that I expect any of you to do anything of this magnitude but it is a good example).

Health disparity and COVID-19.pdf

So, please read the article and answer the following questions: 

1. Briefly summarize what is in the abstract? (Note: you do not always have to break an abstract down into different sections as you see here).

2. What was the purpose of this study, i.e. what questions were they trying to ask?

3. In general, how did they perform the study (you do not have to get into all the details)?

4. Summarize their conclusions including how did they analyze the results?

Make sure that you write everything IN YOUR OWN WORDS.  Do not copy anything from the article.  Your responses will be checked for plagiarism (if you do not know by now what that is, then please look it up).  Anything that shows up as being copied from any source will be returned with a zero grade.

Environmental Science Homework Help