Environmental Science Homework Help

Environmental Science Homework Help. Research proposal up to 3000 words Either, take one of the following global challenges (climate change, population ageing, urbanisation, or the Covid-19 pandemic) and assume you want to do an MSc d

Research proposal up to 3000 words 

Either, take one of the following  global challenges  (climate change, population ageing, urbanisation, or the Covid-19 pandemic) and assume you want to do an MSc dissertation on a topic related closely to one of these areas. This assignment should contribute to the body of knowledge that addresses the specific challenge/s identified.

Produce a short research proposal (up to 3000 words) addressing a research question within the broad area of one of the challenges mentioned above or relevant to your interest. 

The research proposal should include the following sub-titles and sections.

·       Title page

·       Project Summary, understandable by the public at large (650 words maximum)

·       Proposed research outline with the following sub-sections:

o   Background and context (this may include a short literature review);

o   International, national and academic importance of the topic;

o   Research question/s, hypotheses, aims and objectives, as appropriate;

o   Methodology including:

§  Initial overall research design (including population and sampling methods as appropriate). Please provide clear justification.

§  Data collection methods to be used with justifications for this.

·       Potential conclusions of the research- highlighting what original and significant contribution this study will make.

·       Justification of any resources, if requested.

·       Programme of work outline (one page)

·        References

Environmental Science Homework Help