Geography Homework Help

Geography Homework Help. In addition to forum postings, students will write three reflection papers. The first reflection must be based on the readings from one of Units 1-4 on Society and Environment Students must draw on

In addition to forum postings, students will write three reflection papers.  The first reflection must be based on the readings from one of Units 1-4  on Society and Environment 

Students must draw on all of the readings for the particular selected unit in their reflections. 

its book from whereu have to read and write on the given society and environment

Although students are expected to demonstrate a clear understanding of the readings, reflection papers are not intended to simply summarize the readings. Rather, students should outline the main points of the readings and use this as the basis for a critical reflection.

  • Critical reflections should demonstrate depth in thinking about the material they are learning, and evaluate critically how theories and practices of geography can influence their own lived experiences and observations about the world.
  • Students are encouraged to draw on other sources in addition to course materials, including the weekly discussion postings from previous Units if applicable.
  • All sources, including the course readings, lecture notes, and discussion postings must be properly cited using APA.
  • Reflection papers are to be written according to academic scholarship standards (1,000 +/- 100 words excluding title page and references).


Reflection Papers will be marked in its entirety out of 100. The following rubric indicates the criteria students are to adhere to, and their relative weights to the assignment overall.

Activity/Competencies Demonstrated

% of Final Grade



a. all weekly readings are incorporated into the reflection

b. reflection moves beyond course readings

Critical Thinking


a. reflection makes connections between the readings and the real world

b. the argument includes a critical analysis of the readings and deep engagement with course ideas, drawing on student’s experience and interests

Writing Style


a. reflections written according to academic scholarship standards

b. writing is clear, well-organized, and free from spelling and grammatical errors

c. writing follows APA guidelines



Geography Homework Help