Literature Homework Help

Literature Homework Help. Character Analysis Essay Purpose: To analyze how character operates within a chosen short story. What are the identifying qualities of a particular character? How do these qualities contribute to what

Character Analysis Essay

Purpose: To analyze how character operates within a chosen short story. What are the identifying qualities of a particular character? How do these qualities contribute to what happens in the story? How do the different aspects of the different characters interact?

Overview of a Character Analysis: You will be conducting an examination of a single character from “hunter in the snow” the character Tub. Your analysis will include how the events of the story shaped the character and how the character’s traits affected the events of the story. You will address motivations and identifying characteristics from your chosen character.

Questions to ask yourself:

·         What makes this character unique? What separates them from the characters around them?

·         Does this character have a foil? How does the foil exaggerate or call attention to the traits of the character you wish to investigate?

·         How do the individual traits of the character affect the world around them? Where did the character’s traits come from? Why are they the way they are?

·         How has the character’s family affected them? Society?

·         If any of the identifying characteristics of the character were different, how would that change the story? Consider things like gender, race, age, class, education, culture etc.

·         What can readers learn from this character?

Assignment: The essay must include an introduction that includes the name and author of the short story, a brief summary of the important events surrounding the chosen character, a thesis statement, a close examination of the character with special attention paid to how the character is perceived or perceives him or herself, textual evidence supporting your assertions, at least 2 outside scholarly sources, and a conclusion.

Research Required: You must use at least 2 scholarly sources.

Format: MLA style and documentation

Length: 2000 words (not including headers or works cited)

Literature Homework Help